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Phone: 740-816-2221
Outstanding Customer Service
Just a phone call away, we provide personalized technical support and are always going above and beyond to meet your needs.
Data Backup
We store your service data so you can count on recovery in your time of need.
GIS Friendly
We offer GIS with all of our services and deliver your GIS data in multiple formats to provide the best customer experience.
Reduce Agency
Managerial Liability
MasterMind will drive each route inventorying and inspecting all installed traffic signs. All data collected is reviewed to ensure work items are placed where corrective measures are recommended. The Sign Inventory study information is delivered as a comprehensive report of all inventoried and inspected signs along with recommended work orders to ensure the best possible service.
Easy to read reports with signcode images
Aid in development of a long-term prioritized maintenance plan
Serialized sign labels to easily identify your traffic signs
Retro-Reflectivity measurements will ensure compliance with FHWA guidelines
Retro-Reflectivity measurements will aid with replacement of signs that do NOT meet MUTCD specfications
Sign inspections help identify signs needing replacement and/or NOT meeting MUTCD specifications
Sign Inventory study results can be delivered in our easy to use SignMaster™ software module
Recommended work items allow you to prioritize work, schedule maintenance crews, and quickly initiate field work
Help develop your budget based on accurate summary reports
MasterMind will drive each route inventorying and inspecting each curve and curve related traffic sign. MasterMind performs the Horizontal Curve analysis per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) specifications, which will put your Agency in compliance with the December 31, 2019 FHWA Horizontal Alignment Warning Sign deadline.
Ensure all curves are correctly signed
Easy to read graphical reports
Up-to-date Curve Inventory and Safe Speeds based on MUTCD requirements
Aid in development of a prioritized Curve Sign Upgrade plan
Help develop your budget based on accurate summary reports
All curves and curve signs are located using GPS coordinates and milepoint for easy locationing
Agency will be in compliance with FHWA December 31, 2019 Horizontal Alignment Warning Sign deadline
Horizontal Curve study results can be delivered in our easy to use CurveMaster™ software module
Recommended work items allow you to prioritize work, schedule maintenance crews, and quickly initiate field work
MasterMind will drive each route to properly determine all No-Passing Zones caused by both vertical and/or horizontal curves required for the proper striping of roadways. Due to changes of roadways and the growth of foliage within the right-of-way, a No-Passing Zone Study should be performed every several years.
* Graphical logs make for effortless t-marking (indexing)
* Easily develop a comprehensive striping plan
* Low cost to implement and maintain
* Simplifies paint striping contract preparation
* Greater control over centerline specifications
* Accurate results
Proper zoning makes your roadways safer for the traveling public
Saves time by simplifying paint striping contract preparation
Graphical logs allow effortless T-marking and striping
GIS based 360° High-Definition Street Level Video Imagery allows instant viewing of striping
GPS Coordinates for
T-marking allows for easy viewing in esri® software
Easily develop a comprehensive striping plan that costs little to implement and maintain
Sight height and zone lengths are customized per state's MUTCD specifications to ensure agency compliance
Railroad and intersection approach zones can be customized to your specifications
No-Passing Zone study results can be delivered in our easy to use StripeMaster™ software module
A Pavement Marking Inventory is essential for any agency with auxiliary markings to maintain. MasterMind will perform an inventory of every pavement marking under your jurisdiction including the following:
• Stop Bars
• Lane Lines
• Channel Lines
• Crosswalks
• Transitional Lines
• ONLY Markings
• Gore Transverse Lines
• Railroad Markings
• Centerline
• Edgeline
• School Markings
• Turn Arrows
• Dots
Comprehensive Summary Reports are delivered to aid with an accurate budget
Save time in creation of striping bid plans
Accurate inventory of ALL pavement markings to aid with striping plans
Aid in identification of questionable pavement markings
Aid in identification of areas in need of additional pavement markings
GIS based 360° High-Definition Street Level Video Imagery allows instant viewing of pavement markings
Pavement Marking Inventory results can be delivered in our easy to use PaintMaster™ software module
MasterMind will video map each route providing the most up-to-date 360° High-Definition GIS based mobile mapping imagery. We offer a variety of options to keep your videos up-to-date at all times at exceptional rates.
Up-to-Date 360° High Definition Imagery for all your routes
Allows you to view HD 360° imagery of assets directly from the comfort of your office
Saves time and money normally spent sending out crews for observation and measuring
Each Street Level Video is stamped with precise date of reference including Day, Month, Year, and Time
Pavement Markings and Assets are NOT blurred out
Yearly mapping fees or any long term commitments are NOT required
Specific routes can be re-videoed on an as needed basis, such as a route being resurfaced
Street Level Video Mapping imagery can be delivered in our easy to use VideoMaster™
Integrated GPS coordinates for easy asset navigation
MasterMind will drive each route inventorying and inspecting each all installed guardrail, including end treatments along with bridge end terminal assemblies. All data collected is reviewed to ensure work items are placed where corrective measures are recommended. The guardrail study information is delivered as a comprehensive report of all inventoried and inspected guardrail assemblies along with recommended work orders to ensure the best possible service.
Guardrail Inspections help identify unneeded guardrail, guardrail needing replacement, and guardrail not meeting MUTCD specifications
Recommended work items allow you to prioritize work, schedule maintenance crews, and quickly initiate field work
GIS based 360° High-Definition Street Level Video Imagery allows instant viewing of guardrail
Easy to read graphical reports with guardrail, bridges, and hazards for all routes
Help develop your budget based on accurate summary reports
Guardrail Inventory study results can be delivered in our easy to use RailMaster™ software module
All curves and curve signs are located using GPS coordinates and milepoint for easy locationing
MasterMind will drive each route, performing a roadside hazard inventory of all fixed objects, parallel slopes, and perpendicular slopes located within the area designated as the "clear zone." All hazard data will be linked with GIS based 360° High-Definition Imagery allowing instant viewing of each hazard. After review, work items shall be recommended for clear zone hazards including: guardrail installation, tree removal, mailbox relocation, etc.
Identification of Clear Zone maintenance increases public safety
Identification for guardrail installation increases traffic safety
GIS based 360° High-Definition Street Level Video imagery allows instant viewing of hazards
Easy to read graphical reports with guardrail, hazards, and bridges for all routes
Use work reports and work orders to prioritize work, schedule maintenance crews, and quickly initiate field work
Aid in development of a long term prioritized maintenance plan
Right-of-way hazard study results can be delivered in our easy to use RailMaster™ software module
Help develop your budget based on accurate summary reports
MasterMind shall perform the "Speed Zone Study" per the requirements of your State's Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering Manual. Speed zone studies include: a minimum of two (2) radar counters placed at multiple locations, crash analysis from the previous three (3) years, radar count GPS coordinates,
High-Definition 360° roadway video mapping, physical profile (houses, businesses, and route classification), and custom reports for each speed zone location. All study information is carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy for submission to your DOT.
MasterMind Speed Zone Study provides the following information:
• Volume
• Average Speed
• Vehicular Length
• 85th Percentile Speed - The speed at or under which 85% of vehicles tested were traveling
• 10 Pace - The ten (10) mph grouping that encompasses the greatest number of vehicles
• Gap - Time and/or distance between vehicles grouped by time
• ADT - Average daily total vehicluar count
• GPS Coordinates - Latitude, Longitude, and altitude for each traffic count location
Accurate and detailed information for submission to your DOT for approval
Radar counts shall be conducted in a manner which allows unimpeded traffic
Independent, unbiased speed zone warrant analysis
Ensure traffic safety with properly assigned speed zones
Easy to read graphical reports
Appease constituents inquiring about traffic flow and speeds
Increases overall public safety
Radar counters are less noticeable, providing higher accuracy for speeds
MasterMind places radar counters for a minimum of 24 hours at the desired
locations providing accurate traffic counts. Traffic counts are great for
intersection studies, traffic signal warrants, and average daily traffic (ADT)
counts. Traffic count studies include: GPS coordinates, High-Definition digital
imagery, and custom reports for each traffic count location. MasterMind provides
GIS shapefiles for accurate integration and two (2) GIS based plotter map prints
to better display your count information.
MasterMind Speed Zone Study provides the following information:
• Volume
• Average Speed
• Vehicular Length
• 85th Percentile Speed - The speed at or under which 85% of vehicles tested were traveling
• 10 Pace - The ten (10) mph grouping that encompasses the greatest number of vehicles
• Gap - Time and/or distance between vehicles grouped by time
• ADT - Average daily total vehicluar count
• AADT - Annual average daily total vehicular count
• GPS Coordinates - Latitude, Longitude, and altitude for each traffic count location
Counts shall be conducted in a manner which allows unimpeded traffic
Any time requirements for traffic counter placement can be accommodated
Swift GIS integration of recorded data
Easy to read graphical reports
Radar counters are less noticeable, providing higher accuracy for speeds
Increases safety of drivers and technicians
MasterMind will drive each route inspecting all installed traffic signs for specification issues as well as recommending further installation. MasterMind will help to ensure your regulatory, warning, and school signs are all accurately placed where they are federally required. This survey will include work orders for each recommended traffic sign, suggesting the corrective measure.
Sign Compliance traffic sign recommendations include, but are not limited to:
• Stop Ahead Signs
• School Signs
• Speed Zones
• Railroad Signs
• Associated Bridge Signs
(Markers & Clearance)
Reduce the number of traffic incidents by placing recommended traffic signs
Ensures your agency will adhere to multiple federal sign regulations
Easy to read reports for efficient and prioritization of sign installation
Develop a budget based on accurate summary reports
Recommended work items allow you to prioritize work, schedule maintenance crews, and quickly initiate field work
Sign Compliance Study results can be delivered in our easy to use SignMaster™ software module
Alleviate lawsuits by being in compliance with FHWA regulations
MasterMind will integrate the participating agency's survey data into their current GIS platform. MasterMind works closely with leading GIS platforms including: esri® ArcMap® and Accuglobe®. GIS integration allows conversion of milepoint into a hybrid of milepoint and GPS coordinate locationing. Each data set is molded into graphical layers which provide great visual reports.
Compatible Surveys to be converted include:
• Sign Inventory
• Guardrail Inventory
• Sign Compliance Study
• No-Passing (Safe Passing) Zone
• Horizontal Curve (Ball Bank) Study
• Roadside Hazard Inventory
Deliverables offered in multiple formats including: shapefiles, KML layers, Geodatabase, etc.
Cost savings resulting from greater efficiency
GIS allows you to map the location of your asset data
GIS helps organize and centralize your asset data for easier access
GIS enhanced websites provide an excellent tool for education and public information
GIS allows for easily viewed visual representation of your asset data with the click of a button